Dundee Fire Department

The purpose of the Dundee Fire Department is to save lives and protect the environment and property from damage by fire. Additionally, the Dundee Fire Department provides emergency medical services and performs other public services in line with fire department activities. The Dundee Fire Department was established in August of 1935. The fire station was originally located between SE 9th and 10th Streets on Highway 99W. The station consisted of one bay, an office, and a meeting room, which was shared with the City Recorder. In 1967, the fire station was moved to its current location. Later that same year, two apparatus bays were built onto the station. In 1978, a major station remodel and additions project began. By 1983, the station reached its current standards at 7,500 square feet until July of 2014. All project labor was performed by the volunteer firefighters. Today, we have a new state of the art 17,623 square foot fire station thanks to the voters of the fire district and the City. To be a member of the Dundee Fire Department you must be at least 18 years of age and either live or work in the Dundee Fire District. The tactical officers first review applications. If approved, applicants are interviewed by the membership committee. If accepted, the applicant will become a probationary member. New untrained members are required to attend and successfully complete the Yamhill County Basic Firefighter Recruit Academy or equivalent training. After one year, they may submit a written request to be taken off probationary status. A review is conducted of the members attendance, level of training completed and general skill level by the tactical officers. A successful review will advance a member to full status.

The Dundee Fire Department protects the city and rural area of Dundee, totaling 13-square miles, with a resident population of 5,000, and 30,000 daily commuting non-residents. In 2014, the department responded to 645 calls for service, which ranged from general medical, motor vehicle crashes, vehicle fires, structure fires, wildland/brush fires, hazardous material spills, mutual aid and public assist. To increase fire and life protection to the district the department has entered into mutual aid agreements with all 10 fire districts in Yamhill County and Washington County. In addition, an auto-aid agreement is in place with Dayton and Newberg Fire Departments for a joint response for structure and wildland fires. There are many other community activities the volunteer firefighters take pride in. Among them are fire education/prevention, safety inspections, Christmas Toy and Joy and many community social events-- which is highlighted by the All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast, which has been a tradition since 1960.