Urban Renewal Agency

On June 7, 2016, the City Council activated the Dundee Urban Renewal Agency (DURA) to allow for the preparation of an Urban Renewal Plan that will undertake projects intended to eliminate “blighted” conditions in Dundee and stimulate private development. Blight is more than the presence of dilapidated buildings; it can also include underdeveloped properties that have inadequate streets, inadequate or improper infrastructure, disconnected land uses, or that lack sufficient open space to meet a community’s needs. The November 2015 Urban Renewal Feasibility Report identified blighted conditions within the Highway 99W corridor of Dundee and concluded that urban renewal may be an effective tool to help facilitate new development. DURA hired the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (COG) and appointed an Urban Renewal Advisory Committee to assist with the preparation of a Plan.

The Plan identifies goals and objectives, implementation processes, boundaries of properties within the plan area, projects to be undertaken, and the maximum indebtedness. Urban renewal projects are funded by tax increment financing (TIF). TIF occurs following the adoption of the Plan, which results in the tax base being frozen for the taxing districts in the Plan area and new property taxes resulting from increased assessed values are dedicated to the urban renewal projects. As projects are completed to remove blighted conditions, it is anticipated that barriers to development will be reduced and the increased assessed value from new development will occur sooner than if those projects were not completed. The duration of the Plan is estimated at about 20 years, depending on the rate of new development spurred in the Plan area. At the close of the Urban Renewal Plan, the distribution of property taxes to the taxing districts will include the incremental growth.

On April 18, 2017, Ordinance 558-2017 was passed by the City Council adopting the Dundee Renewal Plan.




Dundee Urban Renewal Plan (Adopted 4-18-17)